oh darn, i'm quite guilty of not posting here also, with only one post so far, right, so here's a post!
we really should have a stj soon, despite a hole starting to develop in my pocket. afterall, 07s34 burnt a HUGE one in theirs. we really ought to repay them back some time soon, as initially suggested, tomorrow. which by the looks of it, seems as unlikely as a white christmas in singapore. so let's make it next sat? or sunday?
oh haha, randomfied, did anyone take part in the auditions for project superstar? haahahahahahhahha, okay, that's like even more unlikely.
hmm lotsa other class blogs are terminally deceased or have been reduced to a state of vegetables, hopefully our blog does not turn out that way =) maybe we should set a day every week as blog posting day, or rather vomiting day, where you can just puke your thoughts our on this blog. oh i just realised that it does not sound appealing, as much as the B.A.R.F diet. yep. you read correctly, the B.A.R.F diet. i'd love to take that up.
heh, more people should go for cook's lesson, it does things to you. somehow it makes you wanna talk like him too, him and his accent to die for. hahahaahahahah, okay, i guess i'm losing it. cya