in aid of the valient attempt to revitalize the blog.
okie shan't blog about anything much but yeah like wad zara blogged.
willy's having the same symptoms too.
the all too heavy lidded feeling that does not bode too well for this post.
for it means it possibly will be rudely cut short. due to the fact that gravity will take hold of his head. yes. the pillow beckons.
well the past few weeks of this term have been hectic.
been crazy. mad rushing this rushing that. lives were madly busy and getting even busier as each day passes. wonder how we're coping now. hope everyone's doing fine. =). yep. so 06s34 finally printed the long awaited, highly acclaimed class pullover. yep credit to puiyee for desiging it. it looks really good =). hahas. and we shall put it to good use in lts and all cold places(like next to szehan -.-). btw. clarence robin and wilson tried an experiment that day. i'm sure all of u witnessed it. yes. it was the will hoods be accepted in lt5 experiment. and we found to our delight that they will. but unfortunately for us it was quite the experience,imagine three ppl in the front row wearing hoods. totally attracting attention. very cult lookish. lol. at least from the back it was. like three spectres sitting in the middle of the lt. hahas. totally nonsensical.
yea. took class photo that day.
will upload asap when i get the photos. in the mean time. well. wait? hahas.
i wonder who ever reads this blog anymore. i seldom do le. =(. thats quite sad rite. no time to come here. coz all my time spent on my own blog. hm yep.
and seriously the witching hours coming up soon. hahas. abit late. or early duncha think.
hmm hahas. well juz a random comment. lifehouse rocks. if u dun already listen to their songs go find a way to. hahas. nice songs =). yep. hm.
nxt week's gonna be a short week. yep. monday lessons only. =) fortunate that we dun have lessons for the rest of the week. unfortunate that the only day we got is a BORING monday . which includes triple. yes TRIPLE chem tutorial. in which wilson here is definitely gonna die. for he forgot to bring his chem tys home. and this time it isn't on purpose. coz he REALLY wanted to try to do his chem. hm. oh wells.
seems like szehan brought some funny bug back. hahas. lotsa ppl falling sick now. and i got a runny nose this morning. see la. now need to go catch it back. take v long la.
hahas. ok.
so here was the attempt to rejuvinate the blog! bring it back to life or something.