i've got lots to say to you ppl. thanks for making my stay in vj such a great one. i'll miss every single one of you. i don't want to leave at all.
(i'm not biased or what by putting anyone first. it's according to the class telephone list.)
jonathan: you're really funny when you act bimbotic. and i know you're a nice person though you can get quite chiko at times! but it's all for fun right? (: oh yea. don't pollute the minds of the innocent kids during slv wiv your 'balls' cheer k!
sze han: you're a great classmate - so efficient and everything. i think mmw's very impressed with you. thanks for planning and organising all the slv stuff so well!
bryan: congrats on being able to stay on! oh yea. i didn't mean anything bad when i said you speak chinese quite cheena-ly. really. ur laughter's horrible by the way. it's contagious!
wanyoong: you're really a sweet girl. i'll always remember your balloons on v-day and also ur warm bear-hugs. i hope you'll be happy no matter where you end up. (:
puiyee: you're a really cute and funny girl! you even describe yourself as silly la! but yea i agree. opps! i'll always remember the time you laughed till you got a stomachache when we were playing floorball!
shanyan: you're really smart and hardworking. i idolise you! and i really mean idolise; not the mmw kind. it was really nice talking to you though i think i crap too much and bore you. i'll miss going home with you! and sorry for not joining aikido with you...
zara: i'll never forget you coz or ur unique name and personality. you've been a great pal and i believe you'll make a great councillor. oh yea. don't bully the new chem rep by collecting money for bio stuff before chem stuff coz everyone will be broke by then!
xinting: i have to admit that i thought you had AP at first. opps. but i'm seriously freaking wrong! you're such a nice and caring girl! and you're humourous too! congrats on being able to stay in vj! rock on. (:
yi-chen: i'll miss you madly. u've always been there for me whenever i needed someone. i felt really really sad when we parted just now. you're a great listener too. i'll miss all the stupid things we did, like crashing acjc and trying to exchange uniforms. i hope you'll be happy even if your appeals don't get through, but i hope they will. (oh mans i think your msg is the longest! ppl will think i'm les!)
samuel: you're such a pro tracker. i didn't talk to you much, except during bio-liver prac. oh yea i remember you trying to give us the impression that sji guys are nice. well, you ppl are.
shaun: my strongest impression of you is that you speak real good english. you make a great GP rep!
clarance: you were a great classmate. and oh i haven't erased yi-chen and your grafitti on my econs notes.
denise: you're a really cheerful girl! glad you stopped sucking your thumb...opps! :p stay happy always!
robin: you're a communist right? -.- anyway i think you're hardworking and smart, so
do impress mmw and save s34 from her horrible tantrums! haha..
wilson: hey you're a great friend! thanks for setting up this blog. i think you're really caring and fun to be with. i'm not racist by the way! (:
xavier: what can i say. i'm always catching you flirting with mmw. damn wrong can. anyway, you're a really fun person. thanks for all your crap, which never fails to cheer everyone up! hope you get to stay in vj!
daniel: you're a great ct rep. we'd have ponned most of our lectures if it weren't for you! but yea...try letting s34 pon at times k?
huihui: you're a nice person. be careful when you do sbj next time k! your wound looked really really scary and painful when you fell during pe!
joyce: hey you're really cute and funny! and you're a wushu pro too! thanks for saving us from the bad impression we gave kan during gp! (:
carmen: you're a nice person to talk to. get well from your fever soon! you're a great asst. ct rep! oh ya...take more pics of mmw if she changes hairstyle or sth k?
shirlyn: ahhs eat more! you're almost as light as me! now that i'm gone you're the lightest!
qiyan: i think you're the tallest girl i've ever known. go be a model or something next time so i can watch you on tv!
mmw: i still can't think of anything to say.
ohsixSthree4 #
1:04 AM ||
Thursday, March 02, 2006
all the bestwhatever the results of the posting, remember.
we were.
will be.
and shall be.
once from 06s34. forever from 06s34.
ohsixSthree4 #
10:57 PM ||

ohsixSthree4 #
7:55 PM ||
new drink!

hey. introducing the coolest drink ever - the moctail!
it was discovered on o2 march 2oo6, by the scientists of o6s34. they found it at some secret underground bunk in the heart of orchard road, and named it after their #1 idol, moc w. it is made of chilli sauce, ikan bilis, evian mineral water, pork etc, and is rumored to be the favourite drink of their idol.
try it!